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Kindness, Learning, Success
Children’s Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumpers Day Wednesday 11th December
Please go on to your ParentPay account to book Christmas lunch for your child. It’s very helpful to our cooks if we have an idea of numbers in advance. The ParentPay menu will continue to show gammon, quorn roast and noodles BUT if you choose gammon, your child will have a roast turkey Christmas lunch and if you choose quorn roast, they will have a quorn Christmas lunch. There will NOT be a third choice. All followed by Christmas ice cream.
Diary Dates for Term 2
Wednesday 11th December Children’s Christmas Dinner & Christmas Jumpers Day
Wednesday 11th December 9.30am and 5pm F&KS1 Christmas performances
Thursday 12th December 9.30am and 5pm F&KS1 Christmas performances
Friday 13th December Christmas Fun Run for Y6 only
Tuesday 17th December KS2 Christmas Concert at KLS
Wednesday 18th December Children’s Christmas Party day
Thursday 19th December Parents’ Christmas Craft afternoon
Friday 20th December Children’s Cinema day